
Life's Blood & The Dreamwalkers

Created by Dren Productions Games

2 New One-Shot 5e Adventures set in the town of Delta Bottom.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Adventure
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 06:09:31 AM

Hey all, 

Just wanted to let you know that this morning we launched a brand-new adventure called Shadows Over the Bridge.

Shadows Over the Bridge is an adventure meant for a party of levels 8-10. 

In this adventure, the party travels to the small city of Stolldale, a coastal city, known for being a trading hub between the islands in the North, and the regions to the East and South. Recent events have cut off the Eastern regions, and now the Baron who controls the town has also cut off ties to the South, stating that it is far to dangerous to allow trade to continue. 

The party must uncover what is happening in the South and take care of it, and bring trade back to the city, otherwise the city itself will crumble. 

The adventure is a single-session one-shot, meant to be played in about 4 hours. 

Head on over and check it out!

Thanks all!


The Dimwits are Back!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 07:50:22 AM

Hey all, 

We just wanted to let you know that we are back with a new issue of Dungeons and Dimwits!

That's right, the mayhem continues as the adventurers find themselves face to face with the cutest lava monster you ever saw. But, the creature is a lot more dangerous than they realize!

We've already unlocked some cool stretch goals, and are on our way to unlocking even more! So head on over and check it out now!

Thanks all!


Pledge Manager is Live!
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 05:48:02 PM

Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know that the pledge manager is live. It's late here, but we wanted to launch it as soon as we could to get those rewards out to you as soon as possible. 

We will check it first thing in the morning, and then periodically throughout the day for the next few days to lock orders. As soon as you fill out the pledge manager, we are going to lock those orders and start sending out the rewards to you. So, the sooner you get this filled out, the sooner you can start enjoying all of these awesome adventures!!!

Thank you all again for your support! We hope you enjoy the adventures! We look forward to bringing you even more in the future!!!

Thanks all!


Woohoo! Thank you!
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 07:09:11 AM

Hey all!

We made it to the finish line! 

We will be compiling and getting everything together. In about 2 weeks, you guys will get a notice from us through Backerkit for our pledge manager. Once that gets filled out, we will start sending out rewards. So, you can get your adventures in about 2 weeks from now!

Thank you all! Without you, these projects wouldn't be possible. 

For those of you who are wondering what we have up next... well... here's a quick look! 

We'll be launching this one at the end of the month as well!

Thanks all!


48 Hours Left!
7 months ago – Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 05:38:00 AM

Hey all, 

Just wanted to throw out a quick update! We love you all for coming out and wanted to give you another great big thank you!

For those of you who are new to us. After the campaign ends, it will be about 2 weeks to get everything sorted out, and then we will open up the pledge manager for you. We run the pledge  manager quickly, and as soon as you fill out your survey, we send out the rewards. So, you will get these new adventures to use and play in just a couple short weeks! 

Thank you all! We really appreciate all of you! We'll update again after we're done!

The Alcohol Golem Guide for DnD 5e

A 1€ guide all about Alcohol Golems for DnD 5e, with lore, stat blocks and magic items!

Sometimes you want to use new monsters that are so unique your party will remember them. But finding their history, how they behave, what they look like and how they fight, can take a lot of time... That's why this mini-guide is here!

The purpose of this Alcohol Golems Guide is to introduce you to original golem concepts, all based on different alcohols (hence the name) that have mutated due to various arcane circumstances.

These monsters can of course be used as random encounters if your party is venturing into old inhabited breweries or in a high elf banquet. But being hired to investigate a murder only to realize it's a feral booze golem can also be a nice twist to an otherwise standard mission!

We also have another project to take a look at!

Thanks all!